• Living a fairy tale…

    Welcome to the Marchen Studios. This is our home for thoughts, our business, our dreams, and our play time. When I say we, I mean Martina and me, her daughter Jess. Our biggest desire is to help generate a sense of community within artists in order to help challenge and inspire one another to grow in creativity and and in life. Let your artist out to come play with us.
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    AIM: Boctor2003 GoogleTalk: JessicaB@marchenstudios.com Yahoo: marchenstudios
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Painting in Progress 5

Spirited Dreamer, CompleteI have let my Spirited Dreamer lie still for too long. Since my own dreams and sleep were being very elusive last night I decided to give another try and getting her finished. I really love her now. I think I might put her up for sale next week. I haven’t totally decided yet. What do you think?


Spirited Dreamer: Painting in Progress 4

Spirited Dreamer

Originally uploaded by marchenstudios
She is coming along. I am calling the painting “Spirited Dreamer”. It is based on the idea that sometimes dreams and reality seem to blend together and that we can dream with as much of our spirit and passion as we live with. I think she still needs some work but I am going to leave her for a little while. I’ll come back to her when I feel ready.

By the way, sorry about the lack of creative confession this week. I know many of you are very distressed about it 🙂 Its getting to be crunch time for our art party/sale/workshop/other stuff and so we really truly just ran out of time and didn’t want to make another confession about how we are tired and don’t have any time. But keep an eye out for us next week when we’ll be back.
