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Gender in Art

Copied from the Art News Blog:

“Jerry Saltz has published an interesting article over at the New York Magazine. Saltz asks where are all the women? (at the MoMa)

“MoMA is our fountain of youth, our Garden of Eden, our Promised Land. But all these things will not last much longer if this institution continues excluding women from the display of its permanent collection of painting and sculpture from 1879 to 1969..”

and continues with..

“I’m not declaring them sexist bigots. Nor am I a quota queen, advocating that women be allotted their 51 percent: Art history isn’t about fairness. Nevertheless—and this is a vital point—MoMA’s master narrative would not be disrupted if more women were placed on view. In fact, that narrative would come to life in ways it never has before, ways that would be revitalizing, even revolutionary. Ask yourself if hanging any of the following artists would really ruin the narrative espoused by the museum: Barbara Hepworth, Louise Nevelson, Louise Bourgeois, Joan Mitchell, Dorthea Rockburne, Yoko Ono, and Florine Stettheimer.” Read the full article at NY Mag here.

I think it would be political correctness gone mad if museums were forced to purchase art because the artist is female, a particular skin color, or any other categorization of person that has ever felt neglected at some point in time. Which doesn’t mean that I don’t think more women artists should be bought by museums, but they definitely shouldn’t be bought just because they are women.

Art should be bought on merit, not the sex of the artist. The sex of the artist is the last thing on my mind when I’m looking at good art.”

I found myself at an interesting crossroad after reading this article. Really I clicked on it because it was titled “Women in MoMa” and since I really had no idea what MoMa is and what women were doing in it I thought it would make an interesting read. Interesting and thought provoking were more then I bargained for.

My thoughts that were provoked centered around the idea of gender. I began to wonder how anyone could seriously view art without thinking about the gender of the artist. There are a few reasons why I think this. The first one is that gender is something that is physical, emotional and societal.

If we start purely with the physical aspects and how it affects an artist there are obvious differences. A woman has a vagina and a man has a penis. There are differences in the hormones that each body holds, each sex faces different dangers and pitfalls as well as similar ones. If art is a expression of a culmination of experiences, how can we ignore the physical experiences that are tied into emotional ones?

The emotional aspects of gender play a huge role in how an artist expresses themselves as well. Men and women respond to stresses and emotional triggers differently. There are expansive amounts of literature discussing how each gender responds to the messy journey we call life.

The emotional and physical aspects of gender are just the foundations that affect expression. On top of these foundations are built the norms and mores of societies gender roles. These vary as well with the artists society. It would be foolish to assume that a woman determined by society to be “masculine” would express herself in the same way as a woman determined by society to be “feminine.”

All these ramblings to say that while I agree that quota systems and political correctness are foolish dreams; I would challenge anyone who says that art is merited on its own without consideration to the artists gender.

I shouldn’t read these things late at night.


Anyone want to tattoo me?

I’ve wanted a tattoo for a long time. Paul said the only rule was that I had to design it myself. Well, I’ve finally sat down and come up with a design. I want to have a simple bible verse in German with a cross and lilies. I would like it to be a simple but pretty font and I want it to be all black and white. So here’s my question: Anyone want to tattoo me? Or can you recommend a good tattoo artist who is reasonably priced? I live in Riverside CA and I would be willing to travel within Southern CA. I’m also thinking it will be sometime in Late December (its my birthday).

I really love this design that I stole off of Google Images, it belongs to thesupplycloset.com

Lilies Cross

Shoot me an email: JessicaB@marchenstudios.com

Why artists should Blog…

The “this week” heading in my dashboard keeps giving me a guilt trip. The I read this article on Why Artists Should Blog and the trip just got longer. So now I have new inspirations and reminders for what I should be doing with my time.

What should you be doing with your time?


Painting in Progress 2

Painting in Progress 2

Originally uploaded by marchenstudios

This is what my painting looks like after sitting down for a second session of painting. This session was really kind of short, no more then thirty minutes. I found that I needed to get up and leave it be for the night. I have a really hard time with figure painting, I haven’t studied it much beyond a 7th grade art class and so it is easy for me to get frustrated when it doesn’t look right. I get so tied up in small details that I lose sight of the whole picture and so last night I just decided to be done for a little while. I got most of the main shadowing done and was really pleased. The last thing I did was give her a light coat of metallic silver. I really want her to have layers and texture and an ethereal feeling.
So how did you do facing your fears?

Spray Paint and Old Lace

What can you do with spray paint and old lace?


Red Tank Top          White Tank Top

These two tank tops are going to be christmas presents for a couple of my girlfriends. I made them by simply laying old lace over the tank tops and spraypainting so that the pattern shows through. The white tank top I added the red highlights to by hand with red acrilic paint. I also had some punk buttons laying around that give it its final touch. Hope they don’t read this post before christmas!

Just thought I would share some cheap present ideas.
