• Living a fairy tale…

    Welcome to the Marchen Studios. This is our home for thoughts, our business, our dreams, and our play time. When I say we, I mean Martina and me, her daughter Jess. Our biggest desire is to help generate a sense of community within artists in order to help challenge and inspire one another to grow in creativity and and in life. Let your artist out to come play with us.
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    AIM: Boctor2003 GoogleTalk: JessicaB@marchenstudios.com Yahoo: marchenstudios
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Pimp My Blog

Okay everyone, I still need your help!

Marchen Studios first event is only a week away and so I need all the link love, blog postin’, friend pimping I can get(cough, cough, Los,)! So please, help Martina and I get the word out so that this can be a big success. Here are the stats:

What: May I present Marchen Studios?

Its an open house, art sale and workshop. We will have games, free coffee and treats, a small project for you to do or you can sign up for the workshop to make a memory collage.

When: Friday, December 7th, 2007 from 4pm until 9pm

Where: The Yellow House, 2529 John ST, Riverside CA 92503




Thanks for all your help you guys!

Collage PicturePlease remember that if you want to do the workshop you need to register ahead of time. You can register here. And even if you don’t want to buy anything or participate in the workshop please come anyways so that we can meet you and share our dreams with you!


One Response

  1. I’d love to help out but my computer/internet skills weigh me down!!!! See you Wed. and Friday:)

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